June 15, 2015
Hope you all had a super great week!
Winter is coming in quickly here. During the day it still makes sun but then in the night ohhhh man I understand why they call it Chile because the wind is CHILLY. I think it`s because I`m still pretty close to the ocean so that wind just comes and whips through the hills or something. So your package with the gloves arrived just in time! Thank you so much!
The highlight of this week was Friday when we had our last leadership meeting with President and Hermana Kahnlein :( I`m really sad that they are leaving because they are just so so awesome! I`ve learned sooo much from them! Towards the end when he was talking about the new president and when he`s going to arrive and stuff, he was like when he arrives I want you guys to forget about me.... Just forget about me. I got a little defensive in that moment, like NO! I`m not going to forget about you, I can never forget about you and all you've done. I`ve heard a lot of people say that you're not called to your mission, you`re called to your mission president and well whatever the case is, I think I`m one of the most blessed people in the world. I swear though, President Kahnlein is going to be called to a Seventy or Apostle one day. We told that to Hna. Kahnlein and she just laughed at us and said that she didn`t think so, but I have the faith haha!
As a special treat for the last consejo, for lunch we all went out to eat in a restaurant! And to get there we got to walk right next to the beach. (In the mission we have to stay at least 3 streets from the ocean) We were right there and the day was super sunny and there wasn`t a cloud in the sky! I was soo bummed that I didn`t have my camera! President was so casual when he said that we were going to go to a restaurant that I was not expecting it to be one right on the beach!! I didn`t realize how beautiful Vina and the shore line is! And so then we got to the restaurant and it probably is in like the top 5 nicest restaurants that I`ve eaten in. It reminded me of how it is when you go to eat on a cruise ship or something. Like you eat your fries with a fork kind of fancy. I ordered a Cherimoya juice (cherimoya is a Chilean fruit that is white on the inside) And it was SUPER yummy!! Then everyone eats the same plate so they bring out this plate filled with Chilean asado!! Which is like Chilean bbq! Oh my gosh it might have been some of the yummiest meat I`ve eat in my life!!!! It was SO good! But there was also sausage. One was like a normal German sausage and the other.. BLOOD SAUSAGE!!! I was sitting next to one of my friends and we were like do we dare? yes we do! And we ate a bite at the same time andddddd..... that was as far as I got with it. Her too. To be honest, it wasn`t as bad as I was expecting. It kinda just tasted like dirt with really hard things mixed in it. But the texture was just so weird and the fact that I was eating blood mixed with who knows what more, I just couldn`t do it. But besides from that, everything was really awesome! Especially the drunk group in the back haha. It`s futbol season here in Chile! It was all definitely an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life!
We have cambios (transfers) this Wednesday and usually they don`t tell us until Wednesday in the morning but I wanted to know if I was going to change or not so after consejo when I was saying bye to president I said ¨See you at the cambios meeting? and he says, ' yup because you`re going to change. And I was like en serio?? Because I just have one cambio here in Achupallas, and he says, it`s your last cambio right? And I say, ' yeah', and he says, 'yeah, so you're going to change'. He also had me share my testimony in the meeting and everyone who is going to be released as a leader shares their testimony so I`m not going to be a leader for my last change either. It was sad, all of us hermanas from my group that are leaders shared our testimonies so the next time we`re all together is the cambios meeting and then the last dinner at the mission home before we all fly home... it`s so weird to think that!
Also the Copa America has started and it`s in Chile this year! So everyone is going crazy about it! Chile played Thursday and won and you should have heard everyone! I seriously think that every single apartment building and house in the country was celebrating and making noise! I love how everyone gets so excited and pumped about futbol. There`s a lot of Chilean pride here!
Funny story of the week: We were contacting houses and we started talking to a woman and she was like actually I`m busy now and so I ask when can we come back? And she says, I can`t tell you because usually I`m not here. I leave at this time to go cut my hair. And so I said, well I imagine you don`t cut your hair every day though... and she was like sometimes I do and if I don`t go to cut my hair I have to dry it, so no. hahaha She was an older woman too so she doesn't even have that much hair.... It was the most creative excuse I`ve heard in a while. I don`t know why the people just don`t say no! hahaha..
We`re teaching a bunch of really great couples right now which is really cool! Only 1 of the 4 are married.... But today we went to the registro civil to look at wedding dates so we can invite this one couple that are golden to get married. We taught them the plan of salvation and the wife cried. She wants to get married now!! It was one of the most spiritual lessons of my life! It was awesome! So I hope that at least they will commit to a marriage date before I have to leave. We`ll see what happens....
Well I gotta go, I'm out of time!
I love you all so much!!! Have a great week!!
Con todo el amor en mi corazon,
Hermana Evans
Samantha with her last companion, Hermana Hansen at leadership conference. |
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